Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Opposable Thumbs

Okay... this is late... really, really late, but it's finals week and, well... here you are.

Once again, I was in Comp and bored out of my mind. My Prof was going over something about the next essay or something, but I couldn't bring myself to pay attention. He constantly just rambles on about the same things, sort of like I do, I suppose, but I like to think I'm more interesting.

I saw the following on The Colbert Report a while ago, I have no idea when the episode aired because it was recorded on my DVR, but apparently Al Gore is cuter than Bitsy. War!

According to Washington Monthly, the SEC sucks. Of course, I always knew this about the SEC and the south in general, but it’s nice to be vindicated. Score one for the Midwest! Also, The M Zone on the awesome speed and competition of SEC football.

Knowing my readership, you've heard of Measure for Measure, but I certainly hadn't before I read the thing. It's not a bad play, I suppose, but not much really happens. Which is probably why no one has ever heard of the thing. It has something to do with the use and abuse of power, unjust laws, weak rulers and sex... I think. I'm honestly not all that sure. The dialog is pretty good, though.

In German the other week (as I'm now expanding this Comp Musings idea to include all of my classes) one of my fellow students said the most remarkable thing:

"I swear to God, I met a cat on Sunday that had opposable thumbs."

"I will kill you with my mind."

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