Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Finals, Kwanzaa, and a poem

Finals are over. Frosty the Snowman is a bitch. And there are less than two weeks until Kwanzaa.  Excited yet?

To wrap this up, here is part three of the star wars content. It's a poem, which kind of breaks some unspoken BSD rules, but it's about star wars and love, and I know that at least Matt and the girl I wrote it for liked it.

A Star Wars poem for Higgy:

You shut down the trash compactors on my detention level.

That is to say, you take my breath away.
And maybe I just want to be your Bothan spy, 
Climbing in your AT-ST,
Hoping we’ll drive home together tonight,
Back to Echo Base or Yavin IV.

And it makes me smile.

I’m not saying that you are the
Comforts of a Tauntaun.
But you do have the warmness of one.
And a certain bluish glow,
Like Obi-wan on Dagobah.

I’ll sit and watch twin suns with you,
Waiting on Tatooine.
I’ll make the Kessel Run to you,
In less than12 parsecs with 1.21 gigawatts.

And through the haze of snow and sand storms,
Or the clouds of Bespin
I’ll follow you
Like a Tuskan Raider
Would their Bantha.

You found me like a probe droid,
Hit me like a wamprat,
Loved me like an Alderaanian.
And so, I don’t have a bad feeling about this,
Because I think you’re the droids I’m looking for.

So lets party like ewoks,
Live like Rebels, die like Wookies,
And love like only Hoth will ever let us.


Caleb Michael, played

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