Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mystery Inc.

We here at BSD, have decided to take a more active role in our community. After fixing the horrible color of a blaster pistol, discovering the true nature of Grues and... well, that's about that, but it's a pretty good start, no?

We've decided to take a page right out of Mystery Inc.'s book, and perhaps even steal there name, too... Anyway, if you see two strange guys wandering about in trench coats and possibly singing the theme from Ghostbusters, that'll be us.

On the docket is finding Paul's stalker and the culprit who stole my Tannenbaum freshman year of High School.


Caleb said...

Giddy up

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

Great job solving my mystery, cockbags.

Caleb said...

we should start a magical mystery tour

Anonymous said...

maybe you can figure out who was in the red explorer outside my house...or what the white crap was all over mt drapes and how it got there...there are so many choices guys! Good luck!

- Stef (see Matt, I remembered this time!)

Anonymous said...

Well said.