Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy Birthday

Here it is, Blast Shield Down is turning 1 today. We’re into digits. Oh beyond 0. There are stories about where this blog came from, some say Matt’s shower, other’s say he and I watched a Lamaze video and BSD just accidentally popped out, but if you want to know the simple honest truth about it you can be content with hearing it came from Michigan (where there’s no room for Jules Vern here, Biasman I’m sure you’d agree.) We’re 1 year old and I can’t tell if it’s really felt that long or much longer. In a way I think BSD has always existed between Matt and myself, the only difference now is that we’re writing it all down and putting it up here for everyone else to see. And I’d like to thank everyone who has been here to see it. I know that in the year this has been going on we’ve had some good and some bad post, some lulls in the work and some surges, and I’m genuinely thankful to everyone who’s read and kept up with the site. Yeah, it could be more, but it’s what it is, a mess of things Matt & Caleb.

I love Blast Shields Down, it is a child to me. I’m sure most people would assume that, but I don’t think anyone knows as much as Biasman does what I mean by that. You know when you put all your thought into something, work hard on it, mull over it, build up and entire philosophy and code of ethics, unspoken rules, ideals and aspirations for something and you pour everything into it, make it a part of you, commit to it? Yeah? That’s it. Sometimes it falls short, sometimes its disappointing, like any kid can be sometimes, but it’s the parent’s fault, I promise.

I love BSD, and I hope some of you do too. If you like what we’ve been doing let us know; comment, trash, respond, show some love. Matt and I are building something here, and we’d love for you to be a part of it.

Matt & Caleb- proud parents of this blog!

Happy Birthday Blast Shields Down


Hannah said...

happy birthday you lil' lovebirds. good to know having the baby has only added more sparks to the passion.

Anonymous said...

It's not the parent's fault!!! Ask any parent with WILD CHILDREN. It's bad jeans!

Stephanie said...

awww, Happy Birthday BSD! The internet wouldn't be the same anymore without you!

Stephanie said...

bad jeans? Yes, its never the parents' fault...always blame the pants!

Kat said...

Yes, but who gave the children those pants? The parents. Happy Birthday!

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

Aww, 50's Mcdonalds.

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...



wiv luvz,

the sister blog

Anonymous said...

happy birthday BSD! :-D

BIG TUNA said...



Brian said...

Happy belated Birthday, you hippie bastards.

--The grumpy blog next door that steals cable, steals water, and will steal your daughter if you're not careful

Teleri_Moses said...

Happy birthday