Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Robot Sex

I came across his old article from the other day and it got me thinking... Honestly, it got me thinking about several things, mostly the psychological impact of falling in love and marrying a robot would have on someone. Seriously... that can't be healthy. Humans are social creatures and need to interact with other humans, no? Do you really want to marry something that is programmed to be perfect for you? Then again, if someone cannot find someone to love, isn't it better that they have something rather than being horribly lonely? Or what is the robot was programmed prior to you falling in love with it? Would that be okay?

I could go on about that aspect of the issue for a while, but I'm really not sure I know the answer. So instead of waxing philosophical, I'm going to discuss the other images that this conjured up for me. Given the chance, what robot would you have sex with?

A little too old for me

Is this Megatron's girlfriend?

Sweden is weird...

It's better than Astro at least...

I'm pretty sure this was the only reason I played Xenosaga

Troy McClure's dream come true

I'd love to make her spine glow

Was he even a robot?

Well, cast your vote and go visit this link for more insanity. I"m out.


Caleb said...

"I dated a Cylon- The Caleb Lalinsky Story" this friday on Lifetime.

Caleb said...

Also, we need to watch Blade Runner.

Brian said...

"Then again, if someone cannot find someone to love, isn't it better that they have something rather than being horribly lonely?"

This was subconsciously directed at me, wasn't it? *crosses arms*

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

The robot from Metropolis. Old cinema gets me off.

BSG chick comes a close second, with Robotnik a distant third. Odds are, he could build a hot robot. Out of animals. I'd still hit it.

Stephanie said...

yay! Rosie!