Thursday, April 10, 2008

I want to believe

A couple of months ago Biasman decided to get me all excited by lying to me about a new film, a sequel to the 1998 X-Files, X-Files 2.  I don't know why he said this.  I guess he's just  a mean hearted kind of guy.   Even the joking jab about another X-Files movie got me so excited that when I considered how unbelievable that FOX didn't cancel the series when it was on, and how unbelievable that there is a 1998 movie based on the series of course I didn't believe the news of the sequel.  I was heart broken.

Turns out Matt wasn't just having a go with me, for once he knew what he was talking about.  I still don't know if I believe it.  But there it is, and I want to believe it.  

Matt and I are both big X-Files fans, though for the most part we have contrasting opinions about the show.  None the less, we're excited.  So I wanted to take this opportunity to both wax a bit and talk about sci-fi news; because thats the kind of nerd I am.  

I got a bit of a head start on the X-Files compared to Biasman, but there is no doubt that Matt long ago surpassed me in knowledge about this show.  While Matt's been able to see what I can only guess is every episode thanks to DVDs, torrents, and FOX at two in the morning on saturdays I had much more difficulty reaching the show.  When I was younger my parents both watched the X-Files, and I did too... sort of, through closed eyes and gapping fingers.  I was scared shitless by nearly every episode, except any that went along with the main story arc or had anything to do with Aliens.  The reason I didn't find these very terrifying or interesting wasn't because they weren't any good but because not only was I just generally confused by the stories and regularly missed entire episodes but also because when you do watch a show through  tightly closed eyes anticipating the worse it's usually quite difficult to bring anything away a program after about an hour.

I think that's what I really loved about the show though, how for a whole hour I was sitting there, torturing myself, just waiting to be scared.  Why does everything that has ever terrified me in life have to be so damn interesting and intriguing?!  It's just like nearly everything else I've talked about on this blog- just like the draculas and the wolf men and the old Parisian man- I liked the feeling of being scared but I also wanted, desperately, to know what was waiting in the dark for me, even if it killed and ate me after I saw it at least I'd finally know!

The X-Files doesn't scare me any longer but it does get me excited.  Much the same way that when I was little the Goosebumps books and television show would excite and scare me, and truth be told the music from the TV program still does send a shiver down my spin.  I remember first getting my library card, I rushed over to the 'young adult' section, what ever that meant, and grabbed everyone of the R.L. Stine's  books that I could, as many as they'd allow me to take out.  I'd lay them all down on my bed and just look at them, stare at there covers, too scared at the age to read them even if I could have.  I did this every two weeks for nearly a year.

Anyways though, other exciting news about the new X-Files film is that Callum Keith Rennie is in it, that's right Leoben form Battle Star Galactica.  Which also reminds me, BSG is back for a fourth and final season having made it though the Writers Strike.  Don't the NBC CEOs kind of remind you of Cylons? ("I once put a laugh track on a sitcom that had no jokes in it" Side Note: Futurama is back on TV and has four all new extended episodes.)  I haven't gotten a chance to watch the latest episode of the show but I plan to soon.  If you haven't watched the re-imagined series of BSG before I highly recommend it, it's one of the best shows on television, has great political commentary, and is just a fraking good hour of hard sci-fi.  Click here to see what you've been missing.

Also Xzibit and Billy Connolly are going to be in the X-Files sequel.  But frankly I'm just glad that David Duchovny is working, wether it's X-Files, Californication or even another Connie and Carla, anything is good.  

Well, it should be a good summer for sci-fi fans.  If you've got any news leave it bellow of email us.  If you're interested in a good read for the summer try listening to Billy Joel for once and pick up Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land

Happy Birthday again Matthew

Caleb, fan


Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

I'm excited as fuck for the X-Files movie. I had a headstart on Biasman too, and he has similarly passed my level of knowledge, but I watched the show at a time in life when it had the potential to scare one shitless.

Futurama is awesome.

I'll be catching up on BSG when it's over - I have a teacher who holds my having not seen it yet against me (he has an essay on it that will likely be published in some critical analysis of the show post this season).

Also, call me a moron, but I'm apprehensively looking forward to Indy IV, which has aliens, and the continual rumors that a Star Wars TV show will be launching sometime in the next two years.

Matt said...

Okay.... First, I wrote a post on this a couple months ago. The Futurama movie AND the X-Files movie, and no one believed me!

Second, really nice post, you definitely put mine to shame.

Third, Leoben is craaaaaaazy.