Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Matter of Pride

BSD has always been a faithful, loyal and courageous ally to all of her sister blogs. While we do not always post in a timely matter, or that well, we take pride in our work and our relationships with those we have formed bonds with. Because of egregious disrespect paid to BSD by a blog that shall remain hitherto nameless in these pages, we our restructuring the blog alliance system. We do not do this lightly, but we have been far too patient and lenient up to this point. We can no longer put our interests aside for the betterment of others. We thank all of you who have been loyal. The others, you know who you are.

The old order is no more


Caleb said...


by the way, amazing photo of the Robotniks. Hopefully these two houses can reconcil all differences without much blood shed.

"Thou sanguine coward, thou bed-presser, thou horseback-breaker, thou huge hill of flesh!"

Brian said...

This is going to escalate very quickly, methinks.

I give it 3 weeks before someone disappears, and another 2 before that someone is discovered mutilated beyond recognition, and another month after that until it's discovered that previously mentioned mutilated corpse is actually previously mentioned missing person.

Hannah said...


Brian said...

BTW, it's a good thing that the old order is no more. Bias, you should know that change is good. Out with Lloyd, in with RichRod!

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

I'll fucking crush you.