Sunday, May 4, 2008

Do the homeless drink our blood at night?

There is a point when desperation stops being French and romantic and becomes something much more real and scary. Is it so surprising to think then that maybe the homeless, displaced, and down trodden of the streets just might drink our blood at night? And if they do, is that so bad? Can you really blame them?

Sure, maybe they’re a little dated. It seems that the dark, horny, beauty of draculas in the 90s has been replaced by the swashbuckling flamboyance of pirates in the 00s. As Anne Rice made room for Roller Coaster rides the importance of blood and blood drinking was lost and now may be found in a less desirable place, on the dirty and dry lips of those retched wrecked souls called the walking homeless, those modern day street roaming nomads, those transient vagrants, the homeless.

Gone is the once kind playfulness of the run down tramp, and replacing that once romantic life of freedom and carelessness a life overflowing with the horrors and sadness of vampirism, night walking, and the curses of the changeling. No more can we look to shelters and parishes to protect and feed our lost brethren. No, oh no, for now no soup but blood soup can sustain these crazed people and fill there sickly stomachs teeming with maggots, rat fesses, and the skin from some poor souls neck. If anything these shelters have become the breeding grounds in this epidemic of homeless blood sucking terror as much as the streets of each and everyone of our great cities has. Gone I say, gone is the tin can and billy goat beard, gone is the train depot, the “sacked lunch” and the homemade fishing rod. All gone, all of them, everything, gone.

Do the homeless drink our blood at night? Sure they do, and why shouldn’t they, wouldn’t you? There’s nothing left to lose, and the sweetness of fresh blood is equal to any peppermint schnapps or three day old muffin crumbs. When you’re at the bottom of the income bracket it’s nice to know you’re at the top of the food chain.

Do they? Hell yes they do, or at least the ought to.

Cml, scared


Daniel said...

caleb, can we please make a homeless vampire movie? but at least the homeless vampires need to be a backdrop.

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

Fuck yeah, homeless vampires.

Call it H.U.D. - Homeless Urban Draculas.