Friday, July 25, 2008

Tales from the Internets, volume 4

I'm back everyone, and here to bring you no actual substance on my part. This stuff has piled up for months, and is long overdue. In fact, I have so many links, this is going to be a two-part Tales, the next part coming next week unless I forget (which is highly likely). So here it goes.

A couple of Star Trek related news items that are way old, but you probably haven't seen them anyway, at least the second one. The first is the trailer for the new movie. Kennedy? The beginning of the intro dialogue? Shipyard? This made me excited, even though I have a lot of reservations about this movie.

A Star Trek cartoon? Apparently... It looks pretty interesting, actually, though I have no idea of any new info on the show. I should probably do some digging.

I'm not even sure what to say about this trailer, but the song as the end? Wow...

The next two links are about area codes... yeah, I've gone off the deep end. All I can say is that you gotta love political machines.

And of course... this is just great.

A nice explanation on how the Etch-A-Sketch works.

When most of us think of Japan, we think of televisions, radioactive monsters, tentacle rape, panties in vending machines, but this is shocking even for Japan. I want a copy.

The final two links for today are video game related. The first is a free game that reminds me of those insane Lego ships in Kingdom Hearts mated with the old side-scrolling jet shooters of the 16-bit era. It's fun.

Lastly, is a history of Duke Nukem Forever, which is probably forgotten by most gamers, but still funny. If this game ever comes out...

Well, that's all for today. Thanks for clicking and I hope you enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Matt, I'm glad you're back. I love tales from the internets- I look forward to part two.
The star trek trailer looks sweet, even though I always figured a ship like that would be built at an orbital space station ship yard it still looks damn cool. Is that Nimoy's voice?