The internet has been astir with rumors about the ending of the upcoming Watchmen movie, and while I usually don't post about movie rumors all that much, this one has me worried. For any of you who don't know Watchmen is a graphic novel by Alan Moore (V for Vendetta, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), a rather interesting character to say the least. Many consider it the greatest comic book ever written. While I am no where near an expert on comics, Watchmen is one of the few I have read. Alan Moore has been a critic, to say the least, of the several movies made from his comics, and while I think he goes overboard sometimes, after reading V for Vendetta, I'm starting to think that maybe he does have a point. After reading the graphic novel, I still enjoy the movie, but it is nowhere near as good as the comic. So, I suppose that is why I am so worried about this movie, but also extremely excited at the same time. The following link and analysis contains spoilers, so if you haven't read the comic and don't want to know plot details, don't read below or click this link.
-Highlight for Spoilers-
From the rumors I've heard, some sort of nuclear assault is going to replace the weird squid alien that came at the end of the comic. Ozymandias is supposed to be using this plot device to draw the world together because of an outside threat. I just don't understand the change... The squid monster worked fine, and we here at BSD always support a good tentacle rape joke. Did they want to make the movie more realistic? It's a friggin' comic book adaptation. I just have a hard time believing that they can manage the same message with a nuclear war as Moore did with the alien "invasion". Ozymandias used the alien to unite the world against a common foe, an extra-terrestrial invader World of the Worlds style. I just don't know how this can accomplish the same thing. Hopefully I'm proven wrong.
But, who knows... I won't hold judgment on the movie until I see it, but I'm worried. But, I'm also pretty damn excited. At the very least, I am looking forward to seeing the characters on the big screen, the action, the special effects, and Rorschach's costume. I hope that'll be worth the price of admission and that I'll be pleasantly surprised by the rest.
A rather large undertone of the book is that nuclear war wasn't the end of war- that even though we have a power like Dr. Manhattan who can destroy everything war is an inevitability. Even if the film does have an outside "threat" the idea of using nuclear weaponry is disappointing and undermines a subtext.
Yeah, I don't know... I'm just going to hope I enjoy the movie. The new trailer was pretty sweet.
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