Wednesday, January 9, 2008

License Plates

I overreact about a lot of things... I don't know why. I think maybe I hate change, I think I might just be that unstable. I probably should chose my battles better, I suppose I should let the little things go, but I can't...

The State of Michigan is issuing new license plates to everyone for some reason (no, I don't give a fuck what their reason is), and I just got mine in the mail. It's plain... blue characters on a white background. It says Michigan and something else, I don't know... I don't care. It's stupid. Why would they give us a license plate that looks just like Ontario's? Ontarians are the only people who even visit Michigan on a regular basis! As for the other option... with the green city/tree scape and the whatever else... it's just dumb.

Anyhow, the point of this all is that I'm going to miss my old blue plate with the white letters... and I'm going to miss seeing all those blue plates on the roads. To me they were Michigan, they were my childhood... and now they're both dead just like everything else in this god damned state.


Anonymous said...

i think its a valid rant. i miss the blue plates too.

(see, i signed my comment so you wouldn't be bothered about it)

Stephanie said...

The new ones are irritating. They do not please me.

Brian said...

"and now they're both dead just like everything else in this god damned state."

*cough* No comment.

(You see what I did there?)