Saturday, November 3, 2007

Profiles in Courage: Paul Arrand Rodgers

If you frequent this blog at all, you know about Paul, the mighty slayer of infidels. He's the purveyor of the chaotic mass of articles, youtube clips and lolbots that are not actually robots that he calls Careful With that Blog, Eugene. The man now has five blogs... I think, that's Caleb's count and I haven't really been able to verify that. For all I know, he has more. Obviously being inside enemy territory for so long has scrambled his brain and messed up his inhibition unit. We at BSD, think this multiple blog policy is atrocious, mostly because it forces me to click on multiple links... and besides, there is no navigation from one blog the next on CWTB, E (the comma in the acronym was Paul's idea). How the hell am I supposed to read all this stuff? While my motives might be selfish... he must be stopped! Seriously...

Five blogs?! This has to be some sort of plot to wreak psychological havoc against all who oppose him. Frankly, we here at BSD are just glad we're on good terms with the madman. Having known Paul for far too long, I have come to the conclusion that one should never believe a word that comes out of his mouth before carefully weighing it over yourself... because chances are he's either making an insane joke, trying to bullshit you into thinking he knows what he's talking about, or trying to convince you of something. Maybe he should start a blog of the outrageous statements he makes... I just think he should pack it in and join BSD, frankly, but I'm sure it'd require a signing bonus we couldn't afford. But, I digress. The real point of the post was to stand in slack jawed wonder at the awesomeness that is Paul Arrand Rodgers, his unbelievably prolific blogging skills, and the three dozen movie scripts he is writing simultaneously. I'm pretty sure I'm in all of them, too, as every few weeks he comes to me with a new idea and a new character based off of me. But Paul... as Caleb refers to him, "The Jolly Green Giant" is an unstoppable force of utter insanity and puppets with no fear of copyright law or the sensibilities of weaker individuals. The man even got hit on in the comment section of his blog, how pimp is that? Speaking of which, if you are that girl, please contact the BSD staff, e-mail link is over on the left hand side of the blog.

Paul is the jovial mastermind behind such cultural phenomena as "The Wal-Mart Theologian", "The Posse of the Future: because one day the future will come and you can say 'hey, I belonged to that posse'" and "Fans and Friends of Rod Allen and Mario Impemba". He can create anti-matter with his mind, is capable of crushing ants beneath his shoe, was elected Senator of some small Ohio school or something, and once I saw him beat play Granadia III for a really long time... there was a rabbit in that game, I believe. He's a colossus, a chimera, a cross between Adam West's Batman, The Riddler and that crazy blue elephant alien who plays the keyboard at the cantina... okay, I'm not going to lie, I know his name... it's Max Rebo.

I have no idea what I am even saying anymore, this is all just bat shit insane, so without further ado, the blogs:

Careful with That Blog, Eugene is a mass of posts about things with even less structure than BSD. I think that's the point, however, but I'm not sure. As Paul put it so eloquently, "I think CWTB,E is best suited for my longer ruminations on things pertaining to me and awesome youtube videos." Since I've already covered this blog multiple times... just know that it's insane.

Good Things Rendered Crappily takes that insanity to a whole new level, a level that I'm sure most of you are not even capable of comprehending. So don't even bother with the link, you'd just black out or something. I thought this thing was dead after about a week, but apparently it's still going. The blog focuses on 300, Jesus and some Canadians.

Daily Muppet Meditation is a collection of youtube Muppet clips... yeah, not much more that I can say about that one. It's funny. Apparently though, Paul was getting complaints from his rabid fan base about the Muppets messing up the delicate aesthetic of CWTB, E. If the BSD readers ever got that uppity, I would crush them beneath my mighty fist... moving on...

Paul Arrand Rodgers Explains Today's Heathcliff is my favorite of Paul's blogs. I'm not kidding. The idea sounds horrible, because who the hell wants to read Heathcliff? But that's the whole damn point. I'm not sure if this is actually today's Heathcliff, but whatever...

Confessions From a Pair of Church Whores is... um... I'm not really sure, I haven't bothered to read it. This is why you need to cut down on the fucking blogs, Paul! It sounds really sultry, though, maybe I should check it out. I wonder if there are any school girl outfits.

Stumble Thru Myspace is Paul's latest effort that was created after I started writing this damn post... so yes... this is Paul's sixth blog. Um... apparently there is Zelda metal music, which was pretty good. Anything else is pending.

Creative Genius or Guy Sitting on Couch?

There you go... I'm not even sure if any of this is funny, but I do know that I definitely went off the deep end and into a strange place while writing this one. I'm going to go do something normal now... maybe eat a PB and J, or watch TV or something. Until next time...

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