Thursday, November 1, 2007

Go Go Space Racer

Lunar Rover is a cool name for a car. I’d drive one. Not because it is especially cool. In fact, I imagine driving the lunar rover is a lot like building a soapbox racer with an Erector Set and old tire swings while trying to look cool in a Michelin Man outfit, be bad ass enough to be a scientist and an pilot, and all the while hoping not to float off into a great black oblivion that there is no doubt would kill you in a long, lonely, cold way.

Lunar Rover just sounds so poetic and haunting though. Lunar Rover is the kind of car a dark Druid wizard would drive. If hobbits built cars they’d build Lunar Rovers.

The Lunar Rover, built Bag End tough.

The Lunar Rover story must go something like this:
“What are we going to do on the moon guys?”
“I don’t know, wander around a bit I guess. Rove it.”
“You mean we’re going to be the first space ramblers?”
“Yeah, and we can ramble around in our moon car. Our rover.”
“Our Moon Rover? Yeah. I can’t wait to get to the moon now.”
“You know it. We are going to look so cool once we’re up there. No body is going to dare mess with us.”
“Yeah, or we’ll smoke them. I’ll be like, ‘hey man, this is our turf, and don’t you see the flag?’ And then you can crouch down behind him and I’ll kick him and he’ll fly off into space or back down to earth and burn up on re-entry.”
“Wow, this is really our year. I love West Side Story.”

You know what is inside the international space station Mir?
A bunch of Lunar Rovers and about a dozen “nucular” weasels. Oh, and some replacement giant tennis ball cans.

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