Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Sports Update

I'm moving my sports related articles away from BSD and over to Kudronia... perhaps I should start calling it by its real name, Genuinely Sarcastic. But, I'm sure this will result in Kudron and I coming to blows, but it's a better fit for my sports ramblings than BSD is. It just didn't fit in our aesthetic of random crazy things... it was too mainstream. I assume I'll be writing about sports again in this space, but it will be much more about waxing nostalgic than any actual news articles. Except pieces like "Opening Day" than reports on specific games.

As always, Caleb and I really appreciate all those of you who have come here over the past months and hope that you'll enjoy what comes next.



Anonymous said...

Matt! Start calling it by ITS real name... it's not a contraction... you have totally disappointed me.

Matt said...

Jeez, I'm sorry I made a typo! Critics are all over me today...

Caleb said...

come on man, learn to read already!

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

If you want to be possessive, it's just "its."

Matt said...

I'm well aware of that! Why does not one ever go after Caleb for typos?

Caleb said...

not one?
What is that, some sort of a joke?
And it is because they know I rule. I rule this key board. I rule. Oh, and come on, no one has the time to point them all out. Seriously.