Matt and I would like to thank all of you who have ever read anything here on Blast Shield Down. Whether you were misdirected here looking for pornography, share our strange interest in super heroes and star wars, or were simply repeatedly given a link by Biasman or myself, thank you for reading. This post seems kind of over shadowed by the recent State of the Blog, and our oncoming anniversary, but still, here’s to BSD.
Here is to 100 posts of Love and Breasts,
of Monsterous Fears and Childhood Dreams,
of Lex Luthors and Wilford Brimleys,
of Star Ship Captains and Draculas,
of Video Games and Cartoons,
and giant white whales.
They wouldn’t let Matt and I get hitched and have a baby, so we created BSD instead. And, I love it everyday, and I know Matt does too, like two mothers love a child, or C3-PO loves R2-D2 . More than you’ll ever understand, this is a part of us, it’s something we’re trying to make, meanings in things that aren’t there, purposes and reasons we'd hoped could help us understand who and what and why we are. BSD is what we wish were true, even if it really isn’t. So, thank you all so much for being a part of it. I’d like to think that if you weren’t here I’d still write, but I know it wouldn’t be the same, and none of this would matter the way it does now at 100. So thank you.
And, here’s a little cupcake for you, and us, and BSD too.
Caleb Michael, co-writer, co-creator, and co-mother of Blast Shields Down

i second that motion
lol jm
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