Sunday, April 6, 2008

State of the Blog 3

Well, it's been a year, so I figured it'd be a good time for another of these addresses to the readers. Thanks everyone for all the comments, they were amazing and really made me remember why I write on here. Things have been a bit slow lately, but they should be picking up near the end of April. Finals are coming up, so I'm sure Caleb and I will be bogged down in them. Already, I'm doing this when I should be reading Rousseau.

Up at the moment is my first attempt at a banner, I think I did a pretty good job all things considered, though I can't figure out how to get the damn thing centered.

I put up some testimonials that I gleaned from the comments section of the blog. If you want to claim one of the anonymous ones, go ahead, but we're going to need DNA evidence. I hope you find them amusing.

I also added a section on the left for some of what Caleb and I believe are our best posts, mostly for people new to the site who want to see that we can actually write and not just ramble on inanely.

Visits: 7,634
Pageviews: 10,180

We've been experiencing a recent spike in visitors thanks to my piece on tentacle rape. "Tentacle Rape" is now the second highest keyword from search engines that brought people here, right behind "Blast Shields Down"... go figure. Caleb and I might have to discuss a new business model...

BSD's Upcoming Summer Projects:
- form baseball team: The Dearborn Dianogas
- hold Superhero mock draft
- fix the formatting of the blog
- get rid of extraneous labels
- solve cases for Mystery, Inc.


Brian said...

Oh thank god I didn't get into that testimonial section.

Stephanie said...

hah! Love the testimonials!
And the banner looks centered to me...

Hannah said...

um can i be 3rd baseman?