Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tales From the Internets, volume 3

Well, classes are almost over for the summer and Caleb asked me to do another one of these crazy things. I don't really have a whole lot of interesting stuff to post, mostly because I forgot I was supposed to be collecting links and the like... so, if you could just pretend I have a lot more to post, I'd really appreciate it. More to come from BSD in the coming weeks.

Anyway, on with the links.

Download Firefox. Just do it... version 3 is coming out soon and you won't regret it, especially if you're still using Internet Explorer... and if you are, what's wrong with you?

I've never linked to a Livejournal before, but holy hell is this cool. BSD has a new project for the summer.

FreeRice is a website where you play a vocabulary game for charity. For every word you get right, twenty grains of rice are donated to the UN. It may not sound like a lot, but in three days, I've donated over 4,000 grains, not because I'm philanthropic, but because 1. I'm a nerd, 2. it's addicting, 3. I feel better procrastinating while helping others, or at least that's what I tell myself. I'm pretty sure Caleb and I are going to come to blows because of our scores soon.

I've been on a Sci-Fi kick lately, which, arguably happens a lot, but whatever... It started when Caleb showed me the movie Sunshine. It's a British movie that was released in 2007 and no one in the US saw it. It's excellent, reminds me sort of 2001: A Space Odyssey, but faster paced. But anyhow, go rent this movie... especially if you like science fiction, but just do it. It's good.

This made me sad, but it is a very good article. Focusing on the Star Wars element for a moment, this author brings up three great points... about the realism of CGI, the difficulty acting in front of a green screen and Lucas forgetting how to make great movies. I'm convinced. I never really thought about the lack of scorch marks, dings and the like on ships, but it does make them seem too ethereal. They just don't have the same presence. I still don't consider the Prequels horrible movies, but they can't hold a candle to the Original Trilogy, and I doubt I'll ever get over that fact. I suppose I could blather on about Star Wars for a while longer, but it's been done, and if I want to waste time I might as well dedicate a post to it. Anyway, the rest of the article is great, too.

Speaking of ships that look like they've been through hell, go watch Battlestar Galactica. Please... it's great, even if you don't know what the fuck is going on. Just rent the Mini-Series, you won't be disappointed. The last season is being split in two, there are eight more episodes in the first part which is airing right now and then there will be ten more in about a year. Just watch it, it's one of the greatest television shows I've ever seen.

Finally... if you've ever seen The Office... no, just... go look at this picture. Some nudity, but it's tasteful. I can now die happy.


Anonymous said...

Freerice is addicting...I can't tell you how many times I've played around on that site instead of paying attention in class.

Caleb said...

I really like these posts. Great links. Sunshine is too damn good to be well known it seems. To anyone who reads this I second Matt's recommendation. Also, the soundtrack is great.

Kat said...

There's also Freeflour, which is almost the same thing, only it's flour and the questions are geography-related usually.

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

Boyle is brilliant. 28 Days Later is a fantastic movie. Sunshine looks awesome (need to see it), and Millions was great too, considering my general hatred of family cinema.

Speaking of Star Wars and CGI, have you heard about the animated movie coming out this summer?

I hope Anakin fucks Shak-Ti rotten while screaming "UNLIMITED POWER."

Brian said...

Distasteful nudity vs. tasteful nudity...THAT'S the kind of thing I want to read about when I visit this god forsaken place!