Friday, November 9, 2007

Street Car named NORAD

Bus Drivers have got to be some of the scariest people on the road. Strike that, on the earth.
Giving a bus driver a bus is like giving someone a scud missile to ride around on all day.
I’m honestly scared for my life. It is insane the people they give these jobs to as it is. Have you ever met a bus driver? What do they have to lose?!
And then we stick them with annoying kids and lost old people and incorrect change and we sit at the back and forget our stop and tug on the emergency stop rope till they crack. And it isn’t like these people aren’t already wound tight. You try being on a schedule that stiff all day, every day.
Giving anyone a bus-driver-license is like hiring someone who is on suicide watch to work the night shift at NORAD. You’re just asking for trouble.

I’ve seen the Die Hard movies. I’ve watched Speed and Sword Fish, I know just what a bus can do. Nothing stops a bus; not buildings, not people, not even other scud missiles or other busses or bombs.

I don’t care about the free tuition.
Anyways, I’d much rather just have my roommate die and get a four point for a semester. That’d be pretty nice. That'd be Easy Street.

Caleb, on the no-stop night shift

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seriously. my eyes have been opened to a whole new side of bus driver culture this year. rough job, but they seem to enjoy barreling down the streets at night when they get kind of empty with only a couple of people on the bus. i imagine that is therapeutic after hours and hours of traffic.