Friday, March 30, 2007

An Intro to the Introductory

Alright, this isn’t ideal, and was not according to the complicated plan of action that I thought up and forced Caleb to agree to, but “the best laid plans of mice and-“, okay, I’m going to stop there. For the time being, I’m just here to write a quick introductory post that will probably be all substance and little style. I apologize, but with classes, the insane amount of essays I have to write in the next month, and the… well, whatever you do at art school (drawing and sculpting and building giant tank turrets, I think) doing that Caleb is currently caught up in, our real intro for this blog will come later, though it should definitely be within the next month or so. We are writing the true introduction together, and since we are currently separated by about 150 miles, there are some barriers to speedy writing. Anyhow, I was just chafing at the bit to get this thing started, and to post an essay that sort of has a deadline coming up fast, so here we are…

I’m Matt, and my partner in this intrepid endeavor is Caleb, who will be along eventually. That will have to do for introductions of us writers for now, though I doubt it really matters, since I’m going to assume anyone reading this at this early stage knows at least one of us.

I guess the main point of this blog is to get a chance to write more and to actually get our stuff out there. Speaking personally, it’s already gotten me to start writing things not related to dead Greek guys or the Salem Witch Trials, which is always a good thing. It’s wonderful to have a reason to write again, and such a release to be able to get my thoughts out in a medium like this. Now if I only had something to record the thoughts I get before I’m about to fall asleep, I’d be all set. I always get the best ideas for things to write about when I’m wanting to go to sleep, and if I got up to write them down I would become an insomniac like Caleb… is that too close to home? I don’t think that it’s even funny. Ah, well, I write what comes to mind. Anyhow, I’m getting way off topic.

There isn’t any main focus to our writing, though I hope I speak for both of us when I say that we enjoy writing about the human condition. Which, I realize sounds pompous as hell, but I don’t really care. I’m sure half the stuff will be rambling pieces about emotions and events with references and quotes from across the board. And while I can’t speak for Caleb as to what else he’s going to write about (probably Superman, though), I plan on inserting some less literary tidbits (movie reviews, complaints about stupid pop-cultural topics, articles about video games, television shows, books and other things I happen to think of, and stuff on various sports related topics), and whatever else comes to mind.

The last order of businesses has to do with the layout, which is crap in my mind, at the moment. I lost the knowledge (which wasn’t much) of html that I ever possessed, so I need some help with getting rid of that prefab header and inserting a header that a friend (thank you again, Marc) made for me. If anyone has any knowledge of html, or blogs, or can direct me to someone or somewhere that does contain that knowledge, it will be much appreciated. Get a hold of me however you know how, or drop me a line at Thanks in advance.

Finally, I just want to thank everyone who bothered to come here and read through this. I promise you it will get better soon. Caleb is a master storyteller and has the silver tongue of a bard, so I know you will never be disappointed by anything he writes. And if you’ve ever enjoyed anything I’ve written, then you’ll like this blog. Thanks once again, we’ll be back soon.

EDIT: If you're going to criticize my writing, please make it constructive. I appreciate constructive criticism, but (and I know this may be hard to believe) I don't care whether or not you think my writing is "forced pseudo intellectual fiction". Frankly, that phrase itself is forced pseudo-intellectual fiction. I'm almost inclined to believe that was a joke, but I figure if it was a joke, someone would've left a name. If you don't like what you're reading then stop reading it, it's not that friggin' difficult.

By the way, thanks to all the people who commented with something to actually say.


Anonymous said...

houston, we have lift off

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

Great googly moogly dude...that's one long preface to the introduction.

I thought I was longwinded...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE matt and caleb :) therefore, I will be checking this at least once a day for updates!

Anonymous said...

I miss you matt, nice to see I can be updated on your life through this blog :)

Anonymous said...

shit..this has ALMOST inspired me to start writing myself...although i have so much art shit (caleb will testify on this) that doing anything for pleasure is completely out of the question. i'll continue to think literary thoughts, however, and glance at silly blogs. i suppose.
