Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Duo of Sci-Fi Shows Resurrected


Futurama and The X-Files are both getting new movies... hopefully, and I couldn't be more excited. They're two of the greatest TV shows of all-time, and at least Futurama was ended way too soon. I'll debate with you whether The X-Files was or not...

Here's an interview with Matt Groening on some magazine/website I've never heard of, but it seems legit enough... and I remember reading Groening saying basically the same thing from another source. The basic gist is that they are releasing four straight to DVD movies, then chopping up the movies to play as episodes on Comedy Central. Sounds good to me.

The X-Files news is a little less certain I suppose, given that I can't find any information on it from what resembles an actual news source, but whatever, I don't care. I'm going to just dive wildly into the hope and if my heart gets crushed, so what.

Here's a link of some news and a supposed interview with David Duchovny. They call themselves "the movie reporter"... that's good enough, right?

News about the movie is also on some sort of AOL TV blog. Um... just drink the kool-aid.

Anyhow, it is supposed to be a stand-alone "monster-of-the-week" type movie. For all of you who don't know what the hell I'm talking about, it's not going to involve aliens and won't be part of the whole alien colonization/government conspiracy/cigarette smoking man overarching plot that went through the series and was the focus of the first movie, Fight the Future. I honestly wouldn't care either way, as long as I get to watch some new X-Files.

Anyhow, I'm sure more news will follow once I find any. For now, I'll leave you with this...

Doesn't it just send chills down your spine?


Anonymous said...

That news is old. Don't hold your breath waiting for an X-Files 2 movie.

A week later Fox released a statement saying any news of an X-Files sequel is premature.

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

To be honest, I'm kinda happy that Futureama ended when it did. It didn't have the time to run out of steam in the way the Simpsons did.

Matt said...

Anon: Yeah, I know it's old news, but I just get around to writing about it now. I'm just hoping beyond all hope that it'll happen.

Paul: I agree to an extent, but I really think there was a lot more stuff they could've done. Hopefully the new season will be great.