Thursday, June 21, 2007

State of the Blog

My fellow…

Er… nevermind…

Well, it’s been almost three months since Caleb and I started the blog, and I just wanted to state a few things without having to be humorous or interesting… yes, this will just be boring.

I hope you all have enjoyed our rambling on about Star Wars, super heroes and old Sci-Fi movies, though I'm not quite sure why you would. I sure have enjoyed writing this thing, though. But, today we surpassed 1,000 visits on the site, and we have around 1,500 pageviews, so I just want to thank everyone who has visited the site and read what we’ve had to say. Caleb and I both really appreciate it.

In these past months we’ve had visitors from every continent (except for Antarctica, but I’m working on building some penguins a computer so we can change that… dammit, I said no jokes and that wasn’t even a good one). I would also like to thank the entire countries of…

Canada, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil, Britain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Serbia and Montenegro, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Poland, South Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Turkey, Jordan, Bangladesh, India and Australia for having visited our site.

I would also like to thank residents of thirty-two different states for visiting and give a special thanks to Naperville, Illinois for being the city with the most visits outside of Michigan.

I never really thought that anyone but people we knew would visit, or that anyone would actually like it, so this has exceeding my wildest expectations. Again, thank you all. We appreciate any comments or suggestions that you might have, either through the comment section on posts or through the e-mail link at the side of the page.

Also, Caleb now has a job where he’s working full time as well as summer classes he is taking. I have no idea how much he is going to be posting for a while mostly because I’ve barely talked to him for weeks, but I’m sure he’ll send stuff when he can.

Lastly, I just want to talk about a few other blogs that I’ve become aquatinted with (mostly because my friends write them) recently.

Careful with that Blog, Eugene is named after some obscure sitcom reference that its creator Paul told me and then I forgot. The writing is hilarious and the subjects often odd (though maybe not as odd as this blog). He often discusses movies and music, but its definitely not limited to that.

Genuinely Sarcastic (which will from now on be referred to as “Kudronia” on this blog because the other name is just awful) is a new blog that my friend created. It has a focus on Detroit and Michigan sports, but also other interesting and just weird news stories. I just cannot wait until the creator, Kudron, finally gets to writing about his rambling, insane adventures. Besides, there are Peanuts strips, and who can pass that up?

The last blog I haven’t had much time to read, but seems very good. It’s called Pink Raygun and seems to be about Sci-Fi from a girl’s perspective. Now, the site design is far too pink for my taste, but what I’ve read of the articles are informative and funny. I particularly enjoyed the post about the parenting abilities of various Sci-Fi dads.

Well, that’s all for the moment, maybe I’ll do something like this again, maybe I won’t. It was a lot easier than actually thinking of something original to write about, though, that’s for sure. You know what? How about you just comment and tell me how you’ve felt about things so far. I’d really appreciate it.



Anonymous said...

What a loser, you put "-Matt" at the end, even though you KNOW it will say "Posted by Matt" at the end. =P

Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

Tis a Pink Floyd song I reference. "Careful with that Ax, Eugene." Thanks for the shoutout though, Matholomew.

Matt said...

Well dammit... now I feel so uncool...

And suck it, Kudron.

Caleb said...

My fellow Earthicans....