Wednesday, August 15, 2007

NORAD of Camelot

I'm not really sure if anyone understands human relationships, or how they even can. I know that I don't, and I'd bet the farm that I never will. I'm pretty sure that it takes truly understanding the other person to have that sort of connection, and who even understands themselves that well? How is it even possible? It's getting to the point where I'm beginning to think that human social interactions are just too complex for our species' intelligence. I have never met any two humans that have a relationship that can be said to be easy that truly care for one another. That can't be said about dogs or rabbits or pigmy marmosets, can it? Do dolphins passive-aggressively torture one another? Do they get into fights for no reason? Do they play mind games with one another and obsess over every little thing until they go insane? No, they fight or play or ignore one another, or whatever else, but they don't really have so many problems. I'm not saying they aren't complex creatures, any of them, but I can't imagine it being the same.

Even the relationships that seem the stablest, the best, the happiest, rarely are. People put up these walls and act as if they are happy together, but everyone bickers and fights. And I believe that's what shakes my foundation in all of this the most... no one really seems to have that happy of a relationship, even those relationships that I always took for granted as being wonderful really aren't once you peel off the outer coat. Everyone has their problems, and maybe that's how it is supposed to be, maybe there is some philosophical reason for it, but damned if I know what. So how am I supposed to be happy, how am I supposed to make things work with anyone if those relationships that seem so happy are just farces? It's like finding out JFK cheated on Jackie, or about Lancelot and Guinevere... how odd is it that both our Camelots fell prey to the same virus? I know that I'm probably over-reacting, that this is just how life works, that relationships are hard work and they can work out as long as both parties care enough, but it just seems like it would be so much easier to be a frog or something. Maybe someday I'll figure it all out, but I have my doubts.

People are just neurotic, as old George here shows.

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