Monday, September 17, 2007

Cheer, cheer for Old Notre Dame

Maybe I'm odd, but after a good Notre Dame drubbing, I like to go around humming the Notre Dame fight song. I only know the first two lines, but everyone knows the tune, right? It's probably because I'm such a smug bastard, but it really lifts my spirits to know that we defeated the Fighting Irish for another year. I know I have a long list of sports enemies, but Notre Dame is at the top of it... I hate them with everything that I have. I at least can understand why some people might be Ohio State fans if they live in Columbus, or Yankees fans if they live in New York, but Notre Dame fans? It's not like anyone actually lives in Indiana... I've been there, I know (more on that soon). And if you do happen to live in Indiana for some odd reason, you should root for Indiana or Purdue or someone like that... even Utah.

Moving on to the real reason for this post... we won. Michigan finally got a victory, and did it with conviction. Throughout the day I kept hearing "Is Michigan this good or is Notre Dame just this bad?" on the television. My opinion is that we will see after the Penn State game... But Michigan played much better than they had been, and that's all I really care about. I'm also thinking about breaking out the rubber mallet, painting an block M on it and taking it to the PSU game.

I know I should probably have something gloriously bombastic to say about this win, but nothing is coming to mind. Perhaps it is because we're 1-2 and I felt more relief than actual joy and excitement with the victory. All I can say is that there was a grin on my face throughout the entire game and a grin on my face the rest of the day. Wandering around Ann Arbor was amazing, just basking in the afterglow of the win, watching those dejected Irish drunkards stumble around and the drunken screaming of the Michigan students... it was all music to my ears. It was epic and sensational and I could not have asked for a better pick me up. I finally feel like there is something to look forward to. So, ;et's just all think of Mike Hart, the man who willed this team back from Armageddon with the sheer for oh his personality, grit and spirit, and be happy.


Anonymous said...


Paul Arrand Rodgers said...

Hart is a pimp. He is totally proving himself thusly this year, as if he hasn't already.