1. Prince / The Artist formerly know as Prince:

As a response to the over abundance of Zelda characters in the Smash Bros. lineup (Link, young Link, Sheik, Zelda, Ganondorf, and Pit [who although not a Zelda character is essentially Link with wings]) Prince and The Artist formerly know as Prince are the perfect adversaries. A more magical and imaginary pair of fighters cannot be found. I know what you are thinking, “But BSD, Prince and The Artist aren’t in any video games?” This is true, but they should be. If Aerosmith can be in Revolution X, at least one incarnation of Prince should have a game.
Super Smash Attack: Purple Rain, ability to change sex and name, and blasts of ecstasy from the Symbol of Love Guitar.
2. Nien Nunb:

Super Smash Attack: De dedo du.
3. Bizarro:

Bizarro Superman, the perfect imperfect clone of superman. Or, if we are to go pre crisis, some sort of alternate reality Superman, or something, who knows. Easily the most misunderstood character in all of literature, trumping Jaques, Macbeth, and Darth Vader. No one can ever really tell where Bizarro is coming from; he is a raving lunatic and a tragic ill-guided hero, a suicidal child and prince of good intentions. Why is he Smash Bro. material? He’s bluish, can shoot ice from his eyes, and can kick anyone’s ass that Superman can. With Bizarro whether he’s winning or losing, he’s still winning.
Characters of Honorable Mention:
Al Gore-First Emperor of the Moon and his Moon worm,
Kafka-Half man half bug,
Alucard, HE'S A DRACULA!
Check out Paul's choices over at Careful With that Blog, Eugene. The link is in the side bar. Matt's picks are sure to follow and also the absolutely bat shit insane conversation where all these decision were made. I recommend reading as much as you can, it's sure to scramble minds.
YKSnilalmc, winner of all the games
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