Saturday, January 17, 2009

Googling: December

Well... things have been slow lately. My excuse is that I've had the flu, I'm not sure what Caleb's is. This month was kinda slow as far as good search terms, but it seems mostly that people who searched for stuff actually found what they were looking for. Hopefully....

"tentacle rape" derivative of the month: "tentacle rape star trek"

"? more like gay" - Um... no?

"come battere i grox in spore per il pc" - What? Is that even English? The Grox are some weird gremlin-like cyborg race in the center of the galaxy in Spore. They're evil bastards.

"how much does a blast mat cost?" - I think the real question is what is a blast mat...

"song that says motherfucker the most" - This seems like a noble project to undertake, but one that would be very time consuming. Anyone up to it? I would start with The Carpenters if I were you.

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