Friday, November 13, 2009

Wet Riffs

If I'm not mistaken this is the first time we've mentioned XKCD on this blog, which is a travesty. It's an amazing webcomic, despite the fact that I don't understand math worth a lick. It's well worth at the very least a minutes of your time., is quite possibly the greatest site on the internet. I know our readers (especially those of the tentacle rape persuasion) will be surprised by that statement seeing as how amazing BSD is, but it's true. Water + nudity + guitars is simple too awesome for us to handle. And likely for all of you, they are still taking submissions.

Note: the other pictures on the site are much sexier than this.

Here is some bonus material for you all, which I also found through XKCD, of some hot, European chess action.

1 comment:

Caleb said...

There should be a request site where a person can log a request and the site's community can respond to the request and try to fulfill. That way if say, I wanted a picture of a girl in a box getting sawn in half I could just ask everyone "can someone make/take a picture of a girl in a box getting sawn in half?" and if anyone were so inclined to do so they could post back to me their work.