Saturday, July 7, 2007


I’m not quite sure what the point of this article is, because every football fan already knows what I am about to say, and no one else cares, and its not even football season, but here it goes anyhow…

I’m beyond hurt, I’m beyond caring… I’m just sick to my stomach. The Detroit Lions were never great, but when I was a kid they had greatness. There was Barry Sanders to watch, the greatest running back ever to play the game. Watching him run was like watching a gazelle evading a cheetah, it was pure motion, pure elation. He was a little blue streak doing things that were not humanly possible. It was simple greatness. The Lions might not have won any games that actually mattered, they might have disappointed, but at least they won. At least they had players who you felt cared, who you knew were good and at least you figured that the people in charge knew what the hell they were doing.

Not anymore. I’m not even going to name names. It’s just gone all downhill from there. Our GM is a complete moron, our owner is senile, our coach has no experience. How can you give a guy a contract extension when everyone on the face of the planet can see that he deserves to be fired? I’d rather have Black Manta running the team than the idiot who is now. And, the saddest thing is, I don’t even fucking care anymore. I’m so numb to it all. Why should I give a fuck when they don’t?

I guess I’m still a Lions fan, but I don’t care anymore. I feel like I’m in an abusive relationship and I can’t get out. I’ve finally just accepted my fate. Maybe I’ll still wear my Lions jersey, and maybe I’ll watch a few quarters of the game if it’s on and I have nothing else to do… but I won’t care anymore. Their perpetual loosing will no longer affect me. I just expect it now. The losing wouldn’t be so bad if I just felt they cared. But, whatever, I give up.

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