Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day

Happy Independence Day, everyone. I'd just like to take this time to thank some of those responsible for my living in a federal republic and having the freedoms that all men should have.

So, I'd like to thank:
The ancient Greeks for their democracy,
The British for curtailing the power of the King and producing such documents as The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights,
John Locke for his political philosophy,
George Washington for his leadership and commitment to his ideals,
Thomas Jefferson for the Declaration of Independence,
Benjamin Franklin for convincing France to join the Revolutionary War,
John Adams for his unwavering belief in independence,
James Madison for federalism and the Constitution,
The Anti-Federalists for the Bill of Rights,
And all the statesmen, soldiers and ordinary people who were integral in achieving Independence from Great Britain and founding The United States of America.

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