Monday, July 30, 2007


While watching Star Trek, I was always led to believe that The Federation was some sort of utopia. Their ships seem to be built for science and exploration just as much as they are for battle, and there is economic cooperation between the member worlds. Half the time they are off to stop some epidemic or to solve some dispute, or getting caught in some sort of alternate time period, but there really isn't that much warfare (honestly to my annoyance). Humans have stopped fighting one another, disease has been pretty much eradicated, starvation solved, and Earth seems to be a peaceful and as Q put it, "boring" place. I always questioned what the government was, and the economic system and about the freedoms of the place, but they seem to make it a pretty damn nice place to live.

That all changed when I watched the Deep Space Nine episode "If Wishes Were Horses". How the hell am I supposed to believe this utopia if humans have stopped playing baseball? That's just ludicrous.

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