Friday, August 3, 2007

Cats and Dogs

I'm not really sure how to say this. It's hard to even think about, to tell you all the truth, but I suppose it is my duty to my readers to come clean on all manner of distasteful things. So... here it is: Caleb is now a Spartan. He will be attending Michigan State University this fall. Why? I have no idea. Having an enemy in my midsts is not comforting, but as the old axiom goes, keep your friends close, but... But he's a Spartan and I'm just going to have to live with sharing this blog with one of their kind, I suppose. I don't like it, but accommodations must be made and I will soldier on. Besides, he's already showing his Spartan work-ethic by never posting. You'd think that they would have taken there name from something lazier than a Spartan... made they should be The Michigan State Bureaucrats or something...

Anyhow, I'm honestly happy for Caleb. I just hope he enjoys his time there, and besides, now I get to be nastier to MSU once football season starts.

In other news, I will be on vacation for a week and as such the blog will be on hiatus (unless Caleb graces us with his presence) until I get back since there will be no electricity. So I'll leave you with this... in the immortal words of John Foggerty...

Long as I remember, the rain been comin down. Clouds of mys'try pourin' confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages, tryin' to find the sun; And I wonder, still I wonder, who'll stop the rain.


Anonymous said...


Brian said...

It almost seems...fitting.