Monday, September 1, 2008

I don't know if that is something you're interested in...

... but Harrison Bergeron (the beautiful sonofabitch) is coming to the big screen.

If you are not familiar with him you can find his story here.

I really got into Kurt Vonnegut this summer. I blasted through Breakfast of Champions in just a matter of lunch breaks and loved every word and doodle of it. After reading a friend related some staggeringly sad information to me: "I'd read Slaughterhouse-Five and Cat's Cradle and enjoyed both of them. But after I read Breakfast of Champions I just thought 'Shit... I've read the best thing anyone person could possibly be expected to write.'" And I know what she means, after BoC you can't expect anything better- it is just that good. (Not that the rest is lacking, but, instead, simply saying, if there has to be a best maybe this is it.)

I'm not sure what Vonnegut's seminal work is supposed to be. I'd always thought it was Slaughterhouse-Five but I come from a war weary (and leery) family of readers, and that may account for much of my opinions. Either way it's all damn good stuff. I never "LOLed" but I was always pleasantly amused and quite astounded.


LumberJackie said...

It looks really good, I wonder how they're going to make it a full length movie...

Caleb said...

I think it's only going to be 25 minutes long- which makes me wonder where I will be able to see/get ahold of it.

Hannah said...

i always get nervous when people try to make writing i like into movies. so much of it is in the tone of voice

Caleb said...

I know what you mean. But luckly, they've done this story before... so too late. This looks better though, much more promising. I think the limited length will do it well.